Parshas Mattos/Masei
This is in the merit of my grandmother Esther bat Mazal. May she have a speedy and complete recovery.
A note: Comments within double brackets, [[abc]], are notes I write for myself so that when I look back later on the topics I discussed, I see all the sources I looked at and how I understood them. Readers are encouraged to skip them.
About the situation in Israel (from
Show Your Solidarity with Israel - Right Now!
Show our brothers and sisters in Israel that we stand with them in this hour of peril, while also sending a message to Washington and the UN that Israel’s actions of self defense are fully justified. It will take practically none of your time and it will cost you nothing. All you need to do is send an email to, and it will be immediately and automatically forwarded, with thousands of others, to Prime Minister Olmert, The Israel Defense Forces, The White House, and the UN Secretary General. Your message can be as short or as long as you choose, and it will surely make a difference.
Sponsored by the Rabbinical Council of America, in coordination with the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. We encourage all other Jewish organizations and their members to take similar steps in support of Israel.
Am Yisrael Chai!
(For more about Israel, see the bottom of this e-mail)
“These are the journeys of the Israelites, who had left Egypt in organized groups under the leadership of Moses and Aaron. Moses recorded their stops along the way at God's command. These were their stops along the way: ...
The Israelites left Ra'meses and camped in Sukkoth.
They left Sukkoth...” (Numbers 33:1-2, 5-6).
“Remember the entire path along which God your Lord led you these forty years in the desert. He sent hardships to test you, to determine what is in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.” (Deuteronomy 8:2).
This verse from Deuteronomy seems to give us the reason why the Torah, in 30+ verses, details the Jews’ journeys. If this is the case, why is this verse in Deuteronomy not in Numbers chapter 33 with the travels?
Two Wrongs do not Make a Right
At the end of parshas Balak, the Torah tells us:
“Israel was staying in Shittim when the people began to behave immorally with the Moabite girls. [The girls] invited the people to their religious sacrifices, and the people ate and worshipped the [Moabite] gods. Israel thus became involved with Baal Peor, and God displayed anger against Israel” (Numbers 25:1-3).
Our Sages (Sanhedrin 106a) tell us that this plot was initiated by Balaam who succeeded in his goal causing the Jews to sin. If the Jews were sinning, G-d would not protect them and other nations could destroy them. How do the Sages of the Talmud know this?
Frequently, it is claimed that many of our Sages teachings were made up, that they pulled the midrashim out of a hat. However, frequently they simply base themselves on verses stated elsewhere in the Tanach. For example, regarding Balaam’s plot, the Torah in this week’s parshah explicitly states:
[Moses said] “These [girls] are the ones who were involved with the Israelites at Balaam's instigation, causing them to be unfaithful to God in the Peor incident, and bringing a plague on God's community” (Numbers 31:16).
The Torah explicitly tells us Balaam was behind the whole thing. But this verse itself is puzzling in two regards.
1. Why would the Torah wait till now to tell us that Balaam instigated the harlotry?
2. If Balaam and enemy woman caused the Jews to sin, why or even how can the Torah say “the [Jewish] people began to behave immorally with the Moabite girls” (Numbers 25:1) placing the blame solely on the Jews?
Regarding the first question, Nechama Leibowitz (Studies in Bamidbar, pages 376-378) demonstrates that frequently the Torah records an event and later adds additional pieces of information. Generally, she says, the Torah does this because the details added later are irrelevant in the context when the event is first discussed but are very relevant later. Right now, the question of why the Torah chose to do this here still stands.
She applies this principle here and answers both questions. First, let us look again at both passages next to each other, together with the points stressed in each:
“Israel was staying in Shittim when the [Jewish] people began to behave immorally with the Moabite girls” (Numbers 25:1).
Here the Torah says the Jews are at fault.
[Moses said] “These [girls] are the ones who were involved with the Israelites at Balaam's instigation, causing them to be unfaithful to God in the Peor incident, and bringing a plague on God's community” (Numbers 31:16).
Here the Torah says Balaam is at fault.
The answer is that two wrongs do not make a right* and both Balaam and the Jews are at fault!
This answers many social questions. For example, in the matter of illegal drugs, who do we blame, is it the drug lords, the smugglers, or the street vendors, or the person taking the drug? The answer is we blame them all. Two wrongs do not make a right.
We need to always remember this principle that two wrongs do not make a right. From personal experience, I know remembering this rule has prevented me from doing countless things wrong.
Have a good Shabbas,
*Although two rights make a u turn
(For more on the Sages and the scriptural sources for midrashim, see and Rabbi Student’s excellent summery of various views at
A friend of mine from Yeshiva wrote the following:
Hello to all the bachurim and all the rebbaim, I would like to wish evryone a great shabbot.
I am in the middle of trying to help the Israeli economy, and I need your help. Thank G-d Isaeli's economy has been growing over the past few years, but this new war could hurt the Isaeli people in more than one way. So unlike my cousin and my freinds who are securing our borders, I am trying to make sure the Israeli Economy stays strong; a strong Economy means a strong army. So that is why I am erging evryone I know to go and shop, but not in malls or other stores, I mean shot online and but Israeli products. If you need to buy somthing why not get it from Israel, in which case evryone wins, you get what you want and you also help Isarel. below is a list of websites that are recommanded. Please urge your parents, relatives to help support our homeland.
I hope vryone is safe and having a great time, and I am sad to inform you guys that I am not going to be coming back next year.
Has anyone heard anything about daniel? has he been called up?
I would realy like to know, thanx
Have a great shabbot and learn well. — Find Israeli products in stores near you. — flags, cosmetics, jewelry — music — plants and flowers - Care & Beauty Cosmetic Products - Dead Sea Skin care — soap gifts — tallit — books — Judaica — miscellaneous — gifts — gifts, books — candles, scents, oils — miscellaneous — misc - stone Judaica pieces — crafts
This is in the merit of my grandmother Esther bat Mazal. May she have a speedy and complete recovery.
A note: Comments within double brackets, [[abc]], are notes I write for myself so that when I look back later on the topics I discussed, I see all the sources I looked at and how I understood them. Readers are encouraged to skip them.
About the situation in Israel (from
Show Your Solidarity with Israel - Right Now!
Show our brothers and sisters in Israel that we stand with them in this hour of peril, while also sending a message to Washington and the UN that Israel’s actions of self defense are fully justified. It will take practically none of your time and it will cost you nothing. All you need to do is send an email to, and it will be immediately and automatically forwarded, with thousands of others, to Prime Minister Olmert, The Israel Defense Forces, The White House, and the UN Secretary General. Your message can be as short or as long as you choose, and it will surely make a difference.
Sponsored by the Rabbinical Council of America, in coordination with the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. We encourage all other Jewish organizations and their members to take similar steps in support of Israel.
Am Yisrael Chai!
(For more about Israel, see the bottom of this e-mail)
“These are the journeys of the Israelites, who had left Egypt in organized groups under the leadership of Moses and Aaron. Moses recorded their stops along the way at God's command. These were their stops along the way: ...
The Israelites left Ra'meses and camped in Sukkoth.
They left Sukkoth...” (Numbers 33:1-2, 5-6).
“Remember the entire path along which God your Lord led you these forty years in the desert. He sent hardships to test you, to determine what is in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.” (Deuteronomy 8:2).
This verse from Deuteronomy seems to give us the reason why the Torah, in 30+ verses, details the Jews’ journeys. If this is the case, why is this verse in Deuteronomy not in Numbers chapter 33 with the travels?
Two Wrongs do not Make a Right
At the end of parshas Balak, the Torah tells us:
“Israel was staying in Shittim when the people began to behave immorally with the Moabite girls. [The girls] invited the people to their religious sacrifices, and the people ate and worshipped the [Moabite] gods. Israel thus became involved with Baal Peor, and God displayed anger against Israel” (Numbers 25:1-3).
Our Sages (Sanhedrin 106a) tell us that this plot was initiated by Balaam who succeeded in his goal causing the Jews to sin. If the Jews were sinning, G-d would not protect them and other nations could destroy them. How do the Sages of the Talmud know this?
Frequently, it is claimed that many of our Sages teachings were made up, that they pulled the midrashim out of a hat. However, frequently they simply base themselves on verses stated elsewhere in the Tanach. For example, regarding Balaam’s plot, the Torah in this week’s parshah explicitly states:
[Moses said] “These [girls] are the ones who were involved with the Israelites at Balaam's instigation, causing them to be unfaithful to God in the Peor incident, and bringing a plague on God's community” (Numbers 31:16).
The Torah explicitly tells us Balaam was behind the whole thing. But this verse itself is puzzling in two regards.
1. Why would the Torah wait till now to tell us that Balaam instigated the harlotry?
2. If Balaam and enemy woman caused the Jews to sin, why or even how can the Torah say “the [Jewish] people began to behave immorally with the Moabite girls” (Numbers 25:1) placing the blame solely on the Jews?
Regarding the first question, Nechama Leibowitz (Studies in Bamidbar, pages 376-378) demonstrates that frequently the Torah records an event and later adds additional pieces of information. Generally, she says, the Torah does this because the details added later are irrelevant in the context when the event is first discussed but are very relevant later. Right now, the question of why the Torah chose to do this here still stands.
She applies this principle here and answers both questions. First, let us look again at both passages next to each other, together with the points stressed in each:
“Israel was staying in Shittim when the [Jewish] people began to behave immorally with the Moabite girls” (Numbers 25:1).
Here the Torah says the Jews are at fault.
[Moses said] “These [girls] are the ones who were involved with the Israelites at Balaam's instigation, causing them to be unfaithful to God in the Peor incident, and bringing a plague on God's community” (Numbers 31:16).
Here the Torah says Balaam is at fault.
The answer is that two wrongs do not make a right* and both Balaam and the Jews are at fault!
This answers many social questions. For example, in the matter of illegal drugs, who do we blame, is it the drug lords, the smugglers, or the street vendors, or the person taking the drug? The answer is we blame them all. Two wrongs do not make a right.
We need to always remember this principle that two wrongs do not make a right. From personal experience, I know remembering this rule has prevented me from doing countless things wrong.
Have a good Shabbas,
*Although two rights make a u turn
(For more on the Sages and the scriptural sources for midrashim, see and Rabbi Student’s excellent summery of various views at
A friend of mine from Yeshiva wrote the following:
Hello to all the bachurim and all the rebbaim, I would like to wish evryone a great shabbot.
I am in the middle of trying to help the Israeli economy, and I need your help. Thank G-d Isaeli's economy has been growing over the past few years, but this new war could hurt the Isaeli people in more than one way. So unlike my cousin and my freinds who are securing our borders, I am trying to make sure the Israeli Economy stays strong; a strong Economy means a strong army. So that is why I am erging evryone I know to go and shop, but not in malls or other stores, I mean shot online and but Israeli products. If you need to buy somthing why not get it from Israel, in which case evryone wins, you get what you want and you also help Isarel. below is a list of websites that are recommanded. Please urge your parents, relatives to help support our homeland.
I hope vryone is safe and having a great time, and I am sad to inform you guys that I am not going to be coming back next year.
Has anyone heard anything about daniel? has he been called up?
I would realy like to know, thanx
Have a great shabbot and learn well. — Find Israeli products in stores near you. — flags, cosmetics, jewelry — music — plants and flowers - Care & Beauty Cosmetic Products - Dead Sea Skin care — soap gifts — tallit — books — Judaica — miscellaneous — gifts — gifts, books — candles, scents, oils — miscellaneous — misc - stone Judaica pieces — crafts
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